Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Programmable Logic Controller

The PLC is a software to program the input and output of the operation.All the PLC in the line were programmed based on specification.There may be the bass error occur regarding this software which the plate with Tv cannot move forward or the gold pin cannot enter the tv input socket. The factor may be :

1- at the sensor (cannot detect the Tv removal time)
2- wire cut out
3- The sensor out of position


  1. Salam, come and read my blog. Pe khabar btw, sori x dpt nk ym dah. Hahahaha...
    Sini tade tenet sgt. my blog, nuramirahzakaria.blogspot.com.

    wish u well my friend

  2. hi, salam. thank u amira. i already read your blog. very interesting and looks like u re doing well there. so, see u at COE. =)

    wish u all the best.
